Missy is one of 20 DCCC Red to Blue candidates in the country, making her campaign a key path to a new majority.


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Missy is one of 20 DCCC Red to Blue candidates in the country, making her campaign a key path to a new majority.


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Meet Missy

Veteran, former small business owner, and mother running for Congress for a brighter future in Coastal Virginia.

After serving as a Surface Warfare Officer in the U.S. Navy and deploying aboard the U.S.S. Trenton during Operation Enduring Freedom, Missy chose to build her home in Hampton Roads. She opened a small business, a local Rita’s Italian Ice, which she owned and operated for more than a decade. She is now the Executive Director of a nonprofit organization that honors service women through running events, and is an adjunct professor. 

Missy also serves as the Virginia Citizen representative on the Chesapeake Bay Commission, a bipartisan, multi-state commission focused on Bay restoration and the health of those who live in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed. She and her husband, Bryan, who served as an Army Officer, have lived in Virginia Beach for more than 20 years, and are the proud parents of two great kids who attend Virginia Beach Public Schools. She takes pride in volunteering in her community, from coaching youth sports, to leading Girl Scouts, to Clean the Bay Day cleanups. Missy was proud to lead a charge for school safety in Virginia Beach, and to advocate for the city’s ERA resolution. Missy is running to ensure that kids and families across coastal Virginia have the opportunities they need to succeed. Missy is a steadfast champion for families, military families, and our veterans, and she will stand up for Hampton Roads’ values.

The leader Coastal Virginia can count on to stand up for our values.

Supporting Veterans and Military Families

I joined the Navy because I wanted to serve my country, not myself. Our veterans and military families deserve someone who will stand up for them.

Missy knows that those who have risked their lives for our country have earned, not only our respect, but the benefits they were promised. While national politicians clamor to say they care about our veterans, all too often veterans and military families are treated like pawns in some political game. Our veterans need elected officials who will honor our promises to them, their earned benefits should never be used as political leverage. Missy understands the challenges military families face and will be a champion for veterans and military families in Congress.

Stronger, Safer Communities

Public Service is about delivering results for your community.

As a mother, veteran, and former small business owner, she will focus on strengthening our local economy, veterans services, and public schools. She’s not interested in political fights; Missy is focused on substantial solutions for Coastal Virginians. And, as a private citizen, she’s already achieved results. She created a “locked doors” petition that produced a concrete plan to make our public schools safer. And now, schools across Virginia Beach have locked doors with cameras and buzzers. She also serves on the bipartisan, multi-state Chesapeake Bay Commission, where the focus is on legislation to improve outcomes for the people who live along the Chesapeake Bay. Missy will continue to work for a stronger, safer, and more resilient Coastal Virginia.

Protecting the Right to Choose

I fought for our freedoms – that includes the right to choose.

You have an innate right to control your own body. You should not lose that right depending on where you live, who controls your state legislature, or where your military orders station you and your family. Extreme politicians are determined to take away our personal freedoms, like the right to make decisions about our bodies and reproductive health care. Missy will steadfastly advocate for your personal freedom.

Revitalizing Hampton Road's Economy

Coastal Virginians know that our local economy thrives when government and military services are stable and reliable.

As a former small business owner, Missy saw in real time how chaos and fighting in Washington can impact businesses in Hampton Roads. She knows that our local economy needs reliability and stability in Washington’s policies. Local businesses cannot thrive when politicians threaten government shutdowns, or play politics with military promotions and funding for veterans services. Missy will always advocate for policies that focus on economic growth in Coastal Virginia.

Missy is proudly endorsed by 50+ state,

local, and national elected officials

and organizations.

Planned Parenthood (1)
Moms Demand Action
Nurses for America
Plumbers & Pipefitters
Vote Mama
Vote Vets
Giffords gun violence
New Politics
Serve America