NY Times: Fresh off Defeat in Speaker Fight, Greene Relishes Chaos She Wrought

House of Representatives (1)

by Annie Karne

As Republicans and Democrats booed her loudly Wednesday when she called a snap vote on the House floor to oust Speaker Mike Johnson, Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene, Republican of Georgia, paused briefly to narrate the drama to the viewers back home. 

“This is the uniparty, for the American public watching,” Ms. Greene sneered, peering over her glasses at her colleagues like a disappointed schoolteacher. 

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…when voters hear her [Kiggans’] comments calling Marjorie Taylor Greene a teammate, they are astounded and disgusted.

. . . Jen Kiggans in office enables the chaos of Marjorie Taylor Greene.”

– Missy Cotter Smasal, democrat challening Jen Kiggans
Paid for by Missy for Congress
Missy Cotter Smasal is a former member of the U.S. Navy. Use of her military rank, job titles, and photographs in uniform does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Navy, the Department of the Navy, or the Department of Defense.
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